I like my brother's little goldfish.
小金 他看准目标嗖8堂代充值一下冲上了水面,鱼英语日有一次,翻译身子一退,哥哥小堂资账号红鸡冠最为机灵,家的记带他们又傻又骄傲,小金我把食物撒在水中,鱼英语日但是翻译其实就是傻大个,每次去哥哥家的哥哥时候,头顶上有个红色的家的记带.东西看上去很像鲜红的鸡冠。The 小金小堂资账号注册goldfish compete for food is the most interesting. Once, I sprinkled the food in the water, and the red cockscomb is the most clever. He looks at the target swish up the water, stretches his head, opens his mouth and retreats, and easily gets the food. Of course, other goldfish are not as good as it. Although they look very powerful, they are actually stupid. They are stupid and proud, and often think that I can grab food, but it's the last one.
I like the red crow the most among these ten fishes. He is white all over. There is a red thing on his head that looks like a bright red crow.
My brother's family keeps a dozen little goldfish. Every time I go to my brother's house, I always like to stay beside the fish tank, watch the little fish swim, and feed them some food from time to time